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Student Supplemental Food Program
aka "Blessing Bags"
When a school becomes a "Blessings" school, every child receives a bag full of nutritious food in their bag before they leave the classroom on Friday.
There is no sign up, no "have" and "have not" lines to approve who receives a Blessing Bag. Every student is fed to ensure the dignity of every child.
Menus are carefully created and approved by a nutritionist, but we always keep in mind that we are serving the most vulnerable of children who need to be able to consume the food regardless of:
-The presence of a willing/able adult in the household.
-Working utilities in the home.
-Access to functioning appliances.
Over 127,000 Blessings Bags are distributed in Fort Wayne Community Schools on an annual basis, feeding 3,500 children every weekend.
To learn more about becoming a Blessings School,

"Believe Bags"
The stigma of food insecurity can be as devastating as the direct effects of hunger itself.
As mental, behavioral, and self-esteem issues weigh heavily on children battling food insecurity, we want to ensure that we are feeding the soul as well as the tummy.
"Believe Bags" are distributed on a quarterly basis in addition to our Blessings Bags in every school our program is implemented in. These gift bags include a gift based upon need, theme, or season, a treat, and a positive message reminding the child receiving it that we believe in their worth, their ability, and their dreams.
Our organization distributes over 12,000 Believe Bags annually.
To see our current Believe Bag Drives,
or to learn about volunteer opportunities,
Summer Feeding Program
As of 2024, Blessings in a Backpack Indiana is now
operating YEAR ROUND!!!
Thanks to a partnership with the Allen County Public Library, in addition to funding from the Health First Allen County Grant, we expanded our programming to now feed over 10,000 children, ages 0-18, at 8 locations throughout the city of
Fort Wayne from June through August.
This massive undertaking still requires additional funding to ensure that every tummy is filled, so please consider one of the many ways you can contribute:
$50: Feeds 15 children for the weekend.
$100: Feeds 31 children for the weekend.
$250: Feeds 80 children for the weekend.
$500: Feeds 159 children for the weekend.
$1000: Feeds 317 children for the weekend.
$5,000: Feeds 1,587 children for the weekend.
$10,000: Feeds 3,174 children for the weekend.